dazn japan 22.
In Japan sport is used as a way for parents to teach values to their children like dedication, skill and most importantly: teamwork. So for DAZN’s new campaign in Japan we wanted to flip the script on the usual sports ads that focus on big moments and the singular heroes of the game, and instead focus on team values.
With the hero film we hear from Minamino, Japan’s answer to Harry Kane. He tells us what team work means to him. His answers were real, unscripted, and all recorded by video link from the locked down Liverpool training ground during the gazilienth covid scare. We pair this with the most memorable team moments from recent Japanese sport, brought together with the line:
Together We Fight
This was one of eight films we created as part of a fully integrated campaign including OOH, digital, social and TV. Including regional specific edits for soccer and baseball.
Tom Peters, Account Director
Victoria Howat, Account Director
Tim Wilks, Project Director
Jonny Marshall, Editor
Liverpool Training shots captured by Liverpool FC in house videographer
dazn japan 2021.
Four thousand hours of trawling youtube later, we created this TV spot for DAZN in Japan using purely found footage and some clever graphics made by MPC. Safe to say we are now experts(ish) and big fans of Japanese sport.
Joe Koprowski, CD
Tom Peters, Account Director
Victoria Howat, Account Director
Tim Wilks, Project Director
Neil Drummond, Editor
MPC, Graphics